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GreenHysland Hydrogen Buses

Mar 12, 2023 | Research, Technology News

GreenHysland launches a fleet of buses in La Palma – we are delighted to be part of this amazing project demonstrating the benefits and opportunities the hydrogen transport presents for island communities. We are working with the project to conduct replication studies focussed on Achill and the West of Ireland.

It  is significant that the cost of the buses in the project worked out at under €960,000 each. Recently Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann bought 120 EV buses for €670,000 each. Our Achill research has shown that two EV buses would be required for each FCEV H2 bus on the Achill services. This means that even without the problem of meeting the power demand of EV recharging, FCEV buses in the West of Ireland make more economic sense on price alone.

The EMT’s new green hydrogen buses are another step towards Palma’s commitment to sustainable mobility and new fuels, making it the second Spanish city, after Barcelona, to have a fleet of vehicles powered by green hydrogen fuel cells.

In total, the EMT has acquired five 12-metre green hydrogen buses, which were put out to tender for 4,832,135 euros (VAT included). The vehicles were manufactured by the Solaris company in the Polish city of Poznan, and have a more user-friendly design, as well as integrating new braking systems.

The new bus model has been financed by the Government of the Balearic Islands through the Capital Law and is part of the European Green Hysland project, whose objective is to deploy the necessary infrastructure to build a renewable hydrogen ecosystem on the island of Mallorca, as well as to contribute to the environmental objectives set by the Government of the Balearic Islands on the islands.