
by | Sep 2, 2022

Energy Co-operatives Ireland Ltd have been commissioned by Comharchumann Oileáin Árainn Teo, to lead it’s participation in the INTERREG research project SEAFUEL

SEAFUEL aims to use the renewable resources across the Atlantic Area to power the local transport fleet and support the shift towards a low-carbon economy. The project will use the expertise and infrastructure of the partners in renewable energy, namely solar, wind and marine, to demonstrate the viability of hydrogen as a fuel to be used by the local transport authorities. Success of the project will promote a sustainable transport system that can be adopted by other Atlantic regions. 

 See Project Site at this link

As part of the SEAFUEL project, we provide a roadmap for the potential for SEAFUEL rollout in the West of Ireland. This roadmap is set out in three phases. This is intended to compliment the roadmaps discussed for the other regions elsewhere in this paper, but it is itself stand alone: specifically tailored to the economic, policy and geographic conditions of the region. The paper finds that over a three-phase period, suitable projects, and partnerships in an early ‘focus’ phase one demonstration and public acceptance building stage should be chosen which would be built on in an upscaling and rollout phase two. Ultimately these will lead to a large-scale 360o rollout of offshore wind for a national and international market of hydrogen for transport use.