SEC Engagement Pack Landing Page

by | Sep 5, 2018

Scroll Down to see a list all 11 Resources.

Click on the links to be brought to the page for each resource.


Introductory Video

Explanatory Roadmap

Hover mouse over the image above and click the links to be taken to that resource


Resource 1: Stakeholder Mapping Tool

Your Stakeholder Engagement Map (Resource 1) A community’s Stakeholder Engagement Map looks at the 17 stakeholders and how engaged your community is with them. It includes those stakeholders which your community are not engaging and indicates where action is needed. The resource has short 4 videos which show you how to make your community’s stakeholder engagement map.

Can be found at this link.

Resource 2: Competencies Assessment

Profiling is a way of identifying community characteristics like demographics, capacities and deficiencies and allows customization of activities or campaigns. The SEAI competencies assessment is a good example of a type of profiling, link:

Can be found at this link.

Resource 3: Visioning Tool

This includes a visioning tool which supports community groups to seed and create local conversations and activities

Can be found at this link.

Resource 4: Financial Guide

Is reviewed in the Funding Guide of the Wheel. Wheel members are entitled to reduced and no cost training in this area

Can be found at this link.

Resource 5: Story-Telling

A story-telling tool is being launched in September 2018 so you can quickly find out how other communities are developing and progressing. It will allow you to upload your stories too so others can learn from what you are doing.

Can be found at this link.

Resource 6: The SEC Charter

Commitment techniques have been shown to be effective in stimulating engagement and examples are charters, pledges and petitions. Increases in commitment strength can increase sustainability and SEAI’s charter is very important in gaining the support of your community.

Can be found at this link.

Resource 7: Governance Guide

Some of the above resources enable you to discuss, build and commit to a vision and goals together and so the development of organisational structures becomes more and more important. The Wheel’s governance guide is a very useful step in the right direction. Wheel members are entitled to reduced and no-cost training in this area.

Can be found at this link.

Resource 8: Bridging Organisations

These do great work in communities and support access of resources, networking, bringing together different actors, building trust and resolving conflict. An example is a family resource centre and if you have one of these local to you, you should work with them

Can be found at this link.

Resource 9: Communication Guide

When we are engaging others communication is critical. Basic information can be found at the link below. It underlines the importance of understanding your stakeholders and community residents, internalising your message, stimulating local conversation and establishing norms. We are launching a story database (resource 5, above), as part of this, to help you learn from the stories of others and of course for others to learn from your stories.

Can be found at this link

Resource 10: Further Reading

For those who want to find out more about the resources and how to engage with those around you – further reading is provided, at the link below. This includes a Concerted Engagement, Guide for mentors and communities, some useful links, an EPA Research Report on community engagement and a paper on a research project with an Irish community which is establishing a sustainability blueprint internationally

Click here for link to further reading


Resource 11: Concerted Engagement, Guide for mentors and communities

Can be found at this link